Thursday, July 21, 2011

How to Have a Safe and Happy Pet-friendly Vacation

A "pet-friendly" vacation is one in which you take your dog, cat, or other furry family member right along with you to share in the fun. Once almost unheard-of, pet-friendly vacations are now becoming more and more common, as many vacation rental condos and beach houses permit one or two animals to accompany you. This is a welcome change for millions of families who do not feel comfortable boarding their pets during a long vacation, or who simply want to share the pleasure of a vacation destination with their beloved dog or cat.

If you have never traveled with your pet before (beyond the usual errands around town), it's best to do a trial run before the actual journey. Most animals love car travel and are quite comfortable during the trip, but a rare few suffer from carsickness or are too anxious to enjoy a long ride. If this describes your pet, consider flying to your vacation destination, with your pet riding safely in cargo. Or, if this is not an option, find a professional pet-sitter or first-rate kennel, so that you have peace of mind while you’re pet is getting the best care in your absence.

Even if your pet is quite used to roaming freely in the car, it is highly advisable to bring along a pet carrier. Make sure the carrier is about twice the size of your pet, so that your dog or cat doesn’t feel suffocated inside it. It should be well ventilated and have a good locking system. Before you leave on vacation, make sure your pet spends time in the pet carrier, getting used to it.
Another precaution to take is to attach an identification card to your pet's collar. The tag should contain your pet's name and a phone number where you can always be reached. This is can be a lifesaver if your dog or cat goes missing.

Pack a separate traveling kit for your pet, containing food, water, medicines, a first-aid box, and a scoop and bag for waste removal. It's also a good idea to carry proof of your pet’s up-to-date rabies and other vaccinations.

If you are planning to board a flight with your pet, plan ahead:

Get a health certificate from your veterinarian within 10 days of departure and make sure your pet is up to date on all vaccinations.

Try to book the most direct flights, to prevent unnecessary delay.

If you plan to travel during summer, try to book evening flights, whereas if you plan to travel during winters, try to book morning flights to avoid travelling through extreme temperatures.
Inform at least one of the flight attendants that you are carrying a pet with you, so that they will know to rescue your dog or cat in the event of an emergency. Letting the staff know about your pet can also bring better care, special treats, and other considerations.

Whether you travel by car or by air, taking your pet along on vacation is a wonderful way to keep the whole family together, explore a new place, and make happy memories. With just a little planning, everyone will have a safe and happy time!

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